Empowering Lives, Creating Opportunities

Supporting our mission to promote mental health and sex education, cultivate athletic skills, combat homelessness and slavery



Creating an environment where talent meets opportunity



Advocating for mental health awareness and providing support resources to combat homelessness



Promoting comprehensive sex education and empowering individuals with knowledge

About Us

Komboa Foundation is a holistic non-profit organization based in Mombasa, Kenya, committed to supporting emotional well-being, providing comprehensive sex education, eradicating exploitation, fostering athletic skills, and combating homelessness.

Our vision is to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive physically, mentally, and socially through education, support, and opportunity.

Our Initiatives

Making a difference in the lives of those in need

Mental Health

Advocating for mental health awareness and providing resources for support

Sex Education

Promoting comprehensive sex education and empowering individuals


Standing against modern-day slavery and ensuring human dignity

Join the Movement

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals

People served
Programs Funded
Funds Raised
Partner Organizations

Inspiring Stories

Stories of change and transformation

Overcoming Challenges

A client facing mental health issues found support and guidance through our resources, overcoming challenges and achieving emotional well-being.

A Life Rebuilt

Through our anti-slavery efforts, a survivor of exploitation found liberation, rebuilding their life with dignity and freedom.

Make a Donation Today

Your contribution can make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need

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